Essence of the Day - Lemon Grass

Lemon grass also known as Serai among the locals has a light, fresh, citrus aroma with earthy undertones. Refreshing, rejuvenating, stimulating and balancing when applied topically. I have always had a liking for the smell and taste of Serai that I’d sometimes chop freshly plucked lemon grass untuk dimakan sebagai ulam (obviously not Serai Wangi lah). 

What fascinates me about idzkhir or Serai was that it has been mentioned in TibbunNabawi or also known as Medicine of the Prophet written by Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziah. Petikan dari buku Perubatan Rasulullah – Kenapa Rasulullah Sentiasa Sihat? berkenaan Idzkhir 

Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Abbas RA bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda ketika hari penaklukan Kota Mekah, Sesungguhnya Allah mengharamkan kota ini (Mekah) semenjak Dia menciptakan langit dan bumi. Pengharaman ini berterusan sehingga ke hari kiamat. Sebelumku, tiada siapa yang dihalalkan berperang di negeri ini. Bahkan aku sendiri juga tidak dihalalkan melakukan hal yang sama kecuali sebentar sahaja di siang hari (ketika ingin menakluk kota Mekah). Pengharaman ini berterusan sehingga ke hari kiamat. Pohon yang berduri tak bisa dicabut, tidak boleh memburu binatang, barang yang tercicir tidak boleh diambil melainkan ingin mengumumkan sahaja, serta tumbuh-tumbuhan tidak boleh dipotong.

Al-Abbas berkata: "Kecualikan al-idzkhir (pepohon yang wangi baunya seperti serai) wahai Rasulullah kerana ia bermanfaat untuk dijadikan bahan bakar (ganti kepada kayu bakar) dan keperluan rumah (dijadikan bumbung rumah). Rasulullah SAW menjawab: "Baiklah, kecuali al-idzkhir”. ~ Riwayat al-Bukhari (3189)

Al-idzkhir is said to be hot in the second degree and dry in the first degree. It is a light substance that opens clogs and the veins orifices. It increases urine and menstruation-flow, dissolves the stones and the hard tumors in the stomach, liver and kidneys, either as a drink or as a bandage. Di India biasanya dikunyah sehingga membantu pencernaan. Sering juga diambil minyaknya yang disebut minyak thayyar, juga bermanfaat menyembuhkan rheumatic apabila dilumur pada bahagian luar tubuh. 

Interestingly the study of aromatherapy on lemon grass found similar benefits as the one stated in TibbunNabawi whereby it could be used to help cope with bladder infection, respirator/ sinus infection, digestive problems, parasites, torn ligaments/ muscles, fluid retention, varicose veins, Salmonellas and Candida albicans. Its fragrance or scent is known to promote psychic awareness and purification. 

Who would have thought a type of grass-like flora that may look deceivingly insignificant as lemon grass has many benefits towards maintaining our well-being. Just as we are reminded through Al-Imran, ayat 191, the Lord says, “They are those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth and pray”, “Our Lord! You have not created all of this without purpose. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire”. None of His creations were created aimlessly, every single one of them even the smallest atom has a purpose to exist and serve.  


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